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Each Camper's Plan
Each camper’s diabetes management plan is reviewed before camp and at check-in.
Every effort is made to adhere to this plan and the wishes of the family and their physician. At the request of parents or campers, the camp medical staff will evaluate the diabetes plan and make suggestions for better control. In general, Hodia recommends tight control by frequent blood glucose monitoring, carbohydrate counting, multiple insulin injections or insulin pumping, and avoidance of low blood sugars.
Food is a special consideration for people with diabetes. Our menu is based on the most current nutrition guidelines for diabetes and is served either family or cafeteria style. During family style meals, we do not pre-measure the food. Instead we have measuring tools on the tables. We allow the campers to dish up themselves then we work with them to practice carbohydrate counting and insulin dosing. We accommodate food allergies and other nutritional needs. We serve a wide array of food choices. We strive to teach campers essential skills to match insulin to any food. We also teach nutrition principles for health and disease prevention. Then we practice. When blood glucoses are outside target levels we talk about what could be done differently next time.
![health-img Woman and child taking blood-sugar test.](https://hodia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/health-img.jpg)
Low blood sugar avoidance is an area of focus. Volunteers carry back-up glucose testing equipment, and campers check their own sugars to stay ahead of this challenge. Extra snacks are always available. Medical staff is prepared to provide glucose tabs, as well as glucagon, and if necessary IV dextrose. Everyone tests their blood sugar at bedtime; anyone whose blood sugar is under 100 is retested at 2:00 a.m.
Our medical staff can provide treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis and other illness and injuries. For severe illness or injuries, we will transport your child to the nearest health care facility as appropriate if outside the scope of the onsite health center and contact parents or guardians as quickly as possible.